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Anne Freitag

1984 in Leipzig geboren, studierte Blockflöte, Traversflöte, Improvisation und Philosophie.

Sie absolvierte außerdem eine Ausbildung zur Feldenkraislehrerin.

Während ihrer Studien war sie Praktikantin beim Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment und erste Flötistin im European Union Baroque Orchestra.


Sie gewann mehrere internationale Wettbewerbe, darunter 2011 den Schmelzer-Wettbewerb in Melk und den Wettbewerb „Musica antiqua“ Brügge.

Solistisch konzertierte sie unter anderem mit Arte dei Suonatori, dem European Union Baroque Orchestra, Les Agremens, Musica Saeculorum.


Anne Freitag unterrichtet Feldenkrais/Funktionale Integration, sowie Traversflöte an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig.


„This was some of the most musically sensitive playing that I have heard from any musician on any instrument.“ (Andrew Benson-Wilson, Early Music Review 2014)



Anne Freitag, born in Leipzig in 1984, studied recorder, traverso, improvisation and philosophy. Besides she graduated from a professional Feldenkrais training programme.

Alongside her studies she was a trainee with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and first flutist in the European Union Baroque Orchestra.


She won several international competitions, amongst others the Schmelzer competition in Melk and the competition „Musica antiqua“ Bruges in 2011.

She appeared as a soloist with Arte dei Suonatori, the European Union Baroque Orchestra, Les Agremens, Musica Saeculorum and others.


Anne Freitag teaches Feldenkrais/Functional Integration, as well as traverso at the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig.


„This was some of the most musically sensitive playing that I have heard from any musician on any instrument.“ (Andrew Benson-Wilson, Early Music Review 2014)

Fachrichtung Alte Musik AM Traversflöte, Kammermusik, AM Korrepetition für Cembalo (LA) www.anne-freitag.de anne.freitag@hmt-leipzig.de