Student council

The Student Council (StuRa) is elected annually by the students of the HMT Leipzig and represents the interests of students within and outside of the university. The student representatives work on a voluntary basis.
The StuRa is involved in policy decision making of the HMT: We are closely connected to other student representatives of various university committees and the rectorate council. For more information have a look at:
Where can you see, what we are doing?
You can find our latest news and topics at our bulletin boards in
  • Grassistrasse: next to the reception
  • Grassistrasse: 1st floor, right staircase.
  • Dittrichring: right-hand side to the reception
You will also find flyer material in all of the buildings in the HMT.
On this homepage you will find updates about the members of the StuRa, about sponsored
student projects and university policy issues.
You can also find us on Facebook:

Please feel free to contact us via mail!

Project funding

Have you heard about our project funding? We are happy to support student's projects materially and non-materially. This fund is partly financed by your semester fees (currently 4,50€).


However, if you want to be promoted as a single person, please consult the "Freundeskreis der HMT Leipzig". We always appreciate new ideas and criticism, so please don´t hesitate to contact us.

Herzlich willkommen auf der Seite des StuRa!

Alle Sitzungen sind öffentlich und finden meistens Freitag 12:15 in

D 3.01 statt.

Wenn ihr vorbeikommen wollt, schreibt uns gerne eine Mail, manchmal haben wir aufgrund von Veranstaltungen außerplanmäßige Sitzungstermine.



Aaron Baubkus

Emma Nebe

Frieder Kuhrt
Lisa Liebrecht
Rahel Schumacher
Rebecca Chammas

Ronja Sophie Putz



Dittrichring 21, Raum 3.01
04109 Leipzig

Postfach: D 009

Contact details

Students council

Dittrichring 21, room 3.01
04109 Leipzig

post box: D 009

